2018 Plans


Start my Podcast  - already have many episodes in progress including interviews with some of my favorite new artists. 

 Self Produced album - my beats are ready, next I need to create a track order and start writing. Previous albums of mine that I self produced include Incense & Wine and my debut vocal release Smell Smoke. 

Less time on social media - more time living offline and posting here on occasion. For many reasons it’s the smart way to go. 

Project with Shhor - she is working on a solo album but after that I hope to create a release where we both sing etc. see Way for our previous release together.  

Collaborations continue - With many producers I am inspired by. Already have 5 on the way.  

More Cover songs - want to pay tribute to songs I love. For previous covers see Still Miles , Miister Man, Jbirly.

 More horn releases- maybe create new jazz standards? 

More videos ... This was just released . Recorded recently in Berlin... peace  

miles bonny